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Craniosacral Therapy helps to calm and soothe the nervous system to help the body heal with its own natural abilities.
So gentle it is safe for all ages from infants to the elderly.

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

CST is a unique type of energy work using light touch and intention. This unique therapy supports and suggests to your body to rearrange , readjust, and heal. In each of our beings lies the blueprint for perfect health and the ability to correct any/all imbalances. Our bodies know exactly what is needed to achieve perfect health, what is happening within our tissues and the exact route to take to correct it. We are wise beyond our wildest dreams! Our beings crave balance. All we need is some facilitated support in getting there.

Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy

What does Craniosacral Therapy do?

Craniosacral therapy (CST) supports the nervous system and helps with a wide variety of symptoms including: headaches, sleeping problems, chronic fatigue, allergies, dizziness, neck and shoulder pain, fibromyalgia, poor circulation, nervousness, breathing difficulties, high and low blood pressure, heart problems, organ functioning, back pain, and sciatic pain just to name a few. This work is slow and deliberate. Each session is like peeling away the layer of an onion. It takes time but eventually old habit and patterns can be peeled away and replaced with new ones.

How does it work?

The blueprint and core of our being lies in the Craniosacral System, which consists of the cranium, spinal cord, sacrum, and surrounding these is the Craniosacral Fluid or CSF. The CSF provides essential nourishment for the central nervous system, assisting in maintaining chemical balances, even thru the ever-changing conditions of the body. Any imbalances or disturbances to this delicate system will in turn effect the functioning of the nervous system and may cause any of the symptoms already listed or more.


Like the gills of a fish our body tissue needs to "breathe." Our bodies are constantly, subtly, expanding and contracting. This is referred to as the "Craniosacral Rhythm." The restriction of this "breathing" can lead to disease or dysfunction. It serves as a sort of barometer of our mental, physical, and emotional patterns within our being. When our tissues are able to expand and contract as needed, we experience better spinal movements, muscle relaxation, over-all wellbeing, brain function and much more. It is by the healthy expression of these movements that our greatest potential can be reached and most fundamental healing can take place.

What will I experience in a Craniosacral session?

Craniosacral is relaxing for the client and often times, so relaxing they drift off into the sleep. It is non-invasive and so subtle that some people don’t feel anything but complete relaxation. The therapist works with the movements and restrictions in your being and encourages the release of unnecessary patterns. 

Our bodies are literally aching for us to pay attention and listen. We already have all the information we need to be healthy. It literally lies in our bones, cells, our tissues and our minds. It is time that we listened to the wisdom we all own. What is stopping you from seeing for your self if this is the right therapy for you? Nothing!  Schedule a session today!

*Please note: For a complete Craniosacral treatment, we need a minimum of 75 minutes. Thanks!

6 Ways Craniosacral Therapy Facilitates Brain Health 

By Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D written for Massage Magazine 2014

The Primary Focus of Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is to gently lessen the body's connective tissue strain and decrease meningeal stress. CST is based partly on the theory that certain light-touch manual techniques can help relieve cell stress and improve health by enhancing the form and balance of the connective tissue matrix, in particular connective tissue layers surrounding the brain and the spinal cord.


Enhanced brain form enables brain cells to work to their optimal level, which may improve molecular production, movement, use and clearance throughout the brain, leading to enhanced brain function and improved brain health. Because an emphasis of CST is on facilitating correction of the whole-body connective tissue matrix, it can be used for a wide range of conditions, including:


1. Chronic Pain

Lessening tissue stress that may be causing pain signals can help address the site of injury or strain. Reducing spinal cord and sensory ganglia adverse strain related to compromised tissue can aid recovery from pain, because sensory ganglia and spinal cord stress can maintain pain perception even when the cause has improved.


2. Neurodegenerative disorders

Decreasing the brain's connective tissue container strain can improve brain form. This seems to boost the cerebrospinal fluid movement, which optimizes brain cleansing of harmful substances. Harmful buildup of substances, such as toxins related to chemical exposure, in the brain may contribute in part to diseases of neurodegeneration such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.


3. Brain issues related to inflammation

Some theories pose that brain inflammation may be part of the cause of autism spectrum disorders, attention issues, hyperactivity, sensory processing disorders, anxiety, sleep disorders, headache, migraine and post-concussion syndrome. Correction may be inhanced by addressing the following: reducing brain inflammation by lessening brain stress that exists in response to connective tissue strain; optimizing drainage of interstitial fluid and enhancing the flow of cerebrialspinalfluid throughout the brain; and helping the brain to flush itself of irritating or disorganizing substances, which may help the brain calm and organize most efficiently.


4. Spinal column or nerve problems

Some of these problems include scoliosis, herniated disc, nerve root entrapment, spondylolisthesis and sciatica. Correcting connective tissue restrictive patterns of musculoskeletal system in order to lessen adverse strain on the body structures or nerve sheaths may lesson structural imbalance or distortion that may cause issues. Improving the patterning of the connective tissue layers encasing the spinal cord and nerve roots in order to decrease adverse neurological stress related to the ares of difficulty can help correct bone or nerve related conditions.


5. Autonomic nerve system disorders

High blood pressure, dizziness, lightheadedness and constipation are some of the issues related to autonomic nervous system distress. Lessening soft tissue strain in order to decrease disturbing neurological signaling within autonomic pathways can help enhance autonomic signaling. Decreasing brain and spinal cord irritation in areas related to regulating autonomic nervous system function can improve autonomic integration and signaling.


6. Eye problems

Conditions such as astigmatism, blurry vision, double vision, dry eyes, strabismus may be aided by lessening stress of connective tissue layers encasing the eyes, covering the optic nerves, enveloping the eye motor nerves or disturbing vision processing areas.

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