Craniosacral Therapy (CST) can be pivotal for the baby/parent relationship.
The focus of this session is Craniosacral Therapy. We discuss your challenges and goals. Sessions are 60 - 90 minutes.
There are so many components to the feeding and breastfeeding relationships.
It is not always as simple as we are led to believe but don't worry, CST can help!
Here is a list of some of the things CST can help with:
~ Babies who have digestive or elimination difficulties
~ Babies who seem uncomfortable in their bodies
~ Reflux
~ Colic
~ Spitting up
~ Breastfeeding problems
~ Difficulty latching
~ Latch problems that contribute to sore nipples for moms
~ Babies who favor turning their heads to one side
~ Babies who favor one breast or position for nursing
~ Babies who seem overly sensitive
~ Babies who hate tummy time
~ Teething babies
~ Non-sleeping babies
~ Children who have mobility issues
~ Children who have sensory issues
~ Children who have vision issues
A little more info:
During the birth process, the baby’s head molds to fit through the mother’s pelvis. It is normal for the cranial bones to override each other. After birth, these overrides and other accommodations in the baby’s skull should not persist. If they do not correct themselves, they can interfere with proper cranial nerve function leading to colic, breathing, swallowing, digestive or sensory-motor impairments and more. Sometimes babies are injured in the birth process. The injuries may be both physical and emotional. CST can address these injuries as well as the effects of lack of normal mobility in utero, precipitous or prolonged labor, vacuum extraction, forceps or cesarean birth.
Cesarean births can be harder on babies than we imagine. Cesarean-born babies have lower Apgar scores, more respiratory distress, more abnormal neurological exams, and more abnormal CST evaluations. They have more chronic middle ear infections and other problems throughout childhood. The birth process is more abrupt and potentially more frightening than vaginal birth. Surgically born infants have fewer quiet alert periods right after birth and have less opportunity to share bonding time with their mothers who may be unconscious or recovering in another room. CST can effectively address all of these things.
Infant Craniosacral Questions & Answers
Should I bring my baby in before or after a tongue or lip tie revision?
Both! It is a good idea to bring your baby in before the revision because issues could be resolved as a result of the treatment. Your baby could avoid an unnecessary revision if they have restrictions in their cranial bones that are making nursing difficult. If your baby doesn't improve their nursing behavior after 1-2 treatment then a revision is likely what is needed (if recommended by a MD or Lactation Consultant etc). Once the revision is complete, it is recommended to bring your baby in for a follow-up visit. This is beneficial for your baby to help ensure that they are receiving the support they need for recovery and optimal function.
What if my baby doesn't have latch issues or colic? Would they still benefit from a treatment?
Absolutely! Every newborn benefits from CST because the stress from birth is a lot on their little bodies. Babies bodies are pliable and flexible to allow for the birthing process. It is quite amazing what their bodies can do. However, things can get displaced from pregnancy positioning, vaginal birth and even c-sections. They benefit greatly from the support of cranial work because it helps their body return to a natural and healthy resting place. This can prevent structural and postural issues down the road.
Will you need to work inside my baby's mouth?
Yes if that is alright with you. I will always wash my hands first and wear gloves when doing so. Feeling inside a baby's mouth gives me information on the shape of the mouth, where restrictions are and gives me access to treat some important areas. However, if you are uncomfortable with this I will happily change my approach.
How will my baby respond to the treatment?
Babies, just like all humans respond in different ways to a treatment. Some babies sleep deeply while others will cry and express emotions as part of their release process. Some babies like to bottle feed or nurse during a session. We follow your baby's cues and adjust the treatment as needed.
What should I expect after treatment?
Most babies will sleep longer than usual after a treatment or sleep at a different time than usual. This is normal. Treatments are best integrated while sleeping. It's OK to wake the baby for feeding if necessary.
What training have you had?
I have studied CST since 2005 and have worked on many babies throughout that time. I have trained with different teachers in Oregon in different types of CST. The diverse and immersive training has given me so much hands-on experience, advanced palpation skills and intimate understanding of the body.
The trainings I have taken include: 60 hour CST/Myofacial Release from East West College of Healing Arts. Levels 1, 2 & 3 from Dr. Anne Hill, ND in Portland. I have taken courses from Carol Gray in Portland. The courses I have taken with Carol include: Subtle Hands On, Infant Craniosacral Therapy, and Advanced Infant Craniosacral Therapy. I am a forever student so I will be always practicing and improving my skills!
Parent & child bond
By treating a mama or parent and decreasing their stress level and helping the postpartum healing process, the baby benefits. By treating a baby and helping with any nursing or colic problems etc. the parent benefits. I have witnessed beautiful changes in these sessions. I have witnessed healing shifts in parent and baby relationships. CST has the ability to change the outcome of lives and it isn't talked about much. It is time for that to change!
Please reach out to me and see if craniosacral therapy will benefit you or your baby. I work on families too!